Dental services
Aesthetic Dentistry
- teeth whitening
- ceramic facets – hollywood smile
- Skyce
- anti aging treatments
- hyaluron filler
- botox
Dental Prosthetics
- non-metal ceramics crowns
- metal-ceramics crowns
- combined prosthetic works
- total prosthesis
- partial prosthesis
- skeletal prosthesis
- ceramic facets
- prosthetics on implants

Conservative Dentistry
- composite aesthetic fillings
- tooth repair
- tooth bonding
- cracked tooth restoration
Oral Surgery
- tooth extraction
- surgical tooth extraction
- wisdom tooth extraction
- apicoectomy
- frenectomy
- pre-prosthetic surgical preparation
- alveolar ridge leveling
- gingivectomy

Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
- deciduous tooth repair
- deciduous tooth extraction
- fluoridation
- motivation and education of patients for proper oral hygiene
- tartar removal
- removal of soft deposits
- teeth sandblasting
- periodontal therapy
- treatment of periodontal pockets

- fixed orthodontic appliances
- mobile orthodontic appliances
- straightening teeth with transparent aligners
- high quality dental implants
- mini dental implants
- immediate implant placement immediately after tooth extraction
- all on 4
- all on 6
- making dentures and crowns on implants

Anti aging treatments
- hyaluronic fillers
- mesobotox
- prp
You may request appointment over the phone +387 66 840 777 from Monday to Friday 8AM – 8PM, Saturday 9AM – 1PM, via email info@unidentstomatologija.com or fill out Contact Form